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How to sell old shares in Al Rajhi

Begonnen von doaausef3li, 28 Okt 2024, 21:47:30

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

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Many clients of Al Rajhi Financial Corporation are looking for how do I know that I have old shares in Al Rajhi to sell them, as Al Rajhi shares are among the most important shares in the Saudi stock market, which achieve a lot of profits for their owners and give them many advantages, and old shares can be sold in Al Rajhi using the Al Rajhi Trading application as follows:
كيف اعرف أن عندي أسهم قديمة
Log in to the Al Rajhi Trading application by entering the username and password.
The presence of old shares for the investor in Al Rajhi Bank is inquired about through the steps mentioned above.
From the main menu of trading services in the Al Rajhi application, the "Sell" icon is clicked.
A list of shares in the customer's investment portfolio will appear, the shares to be sold are selected, with the number and price specified.
Click on the "Sell" icon.

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